Here you can find an interview with Chloe about her personal minor!


Your answer

Which minor did you do?

Personal Minor

What made you choose this minor?

I found the typical minor options quite limited and wanted to do a broader topic of courses.

What were the subjects you had in your minor?

FDI and Firm Location

International Strategic Management

Global Development Studies

Ethics and International Business

Growth and Development Economics

Global Business History

What was your hardest experience during the minor course?

FDI and Firm Location

What was the best experience during the minor course?

I found working at a different faculty with various different teaching methods really benefited me in my minor courses. I gained new insight into the Business faculty that was vital in shaping what I wanted to do with my future, beyond IR.

Did the course meet your expectations? Yes, why/ No, why not

Yes, the courses met my expectations, however, it is any adjustment when shifting to other faculties. Keep in mind they often have different attendance and marking regulations than the Faculty of Arts.

Which other minor did you consider?

I originally considered doing the Development Minor, however, I wanted a broader business perspective and as such, compiled a list of courses I wanted to do at the faculty and had them approved by both the Board of Advisors and the secretariat at FEB.

Do you think that your minor will be useful for your future career?

Yes, why / No, why not

Yes, I think the personal minor is very useful for students who need to specialise and gain credits in certain fields for their masters application. For example, in law or economics. Often, it allows you to do a sufficient amount of credits, and may allow you to skip a pre-master course in certain cases.

What would you say to future IRIO students who consider this minor?

I would personally only recommend a personal minor for students who specifically want to gain credits in a certain area of study. It's important to keep in mind that personal minors are often harder than traditional minor options, and thus, may be a burden in terms of workload.

If you did a personal minor, was it difficult to get permission to do it? Which steps need to be done?

It depends on the faculty. The Faculty of Law does not let students do personal minors with them, however, the Faculty of Economics and Business allows students to do any courses under their *exchange* banner, as long as there are no prerequisites listed. The easiest way to find out if you are allowed to do a personal minor is to contact the Board of Advisors and the secretariat of the faculty you wish to take courses from. Keep in mind that any course that is too similar to ones you take in your own degree will be denied.

Ratings: Rate from 1 to 10

Was the minor doable? (1 very hard <-->10 very easy)


Was the workload less/the same/or more than the IRIO programme? (1 much less workload <--> a lot more workload)

Whilst my workload was slightly less than the IRIO program, it differs depending on the courses you choose. Personal minors are often harder than the offered minor packages.

How much would you recommend doing this minor? (1 not at all <--> 10 100% yes)


Chloe: Personal Minor

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