On Wednesday the 12th of February, the Evaluation General Members Meeting of Study Association Clio will be held. During the General Members Meeting, the Board will present its Evaluation Policy and new Clio Framework and members will have the chance to ask questions or to make comments. The GMM will take place at Het Goudkantoor (Waagplein 1, 9712 JZ Groningen) and will start at 19:00.

The Policy is already available on the Clio website. We encourage you to bring your laptop, phone, or tablet to the GMM to open the documents there.

Moreover, the Board encourages members to send in questions about the Policy to info@clio.nl. All sent in questions will be discussed and answered during the GMM itself. Questions can be sent in until noon on Monday the 10th of February.

Questions about language, grammar and spelling can only be sent in before the GMM. If questions of this type are raised during the GMM, they will not be discussed.

You may find the agenda of the General Members Meeting below.

1. Opening

2. Adoption of the Agenda

3. Approval Minutes Extraordinary Financial General Members Meeting, November 4th 2024

4. Announcements

5. Evaluation Policy 2024-2025

6. Interim Financial Report 2024-2025

7. Any Other Business

8. Questions

9. Closing

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